Author: bpaghana

“The circumstances under which a promise of marriage would be inferred must also be given considerable thought in order to solve two problems: forestalling the situation of blackmail which has discredited this action, and discouraging unscrupulous persons from taking advantage of others.” The parties met between...

A new report by the global research and consultancy firm Oxford Business Group (OBG) will look in detail at the landmark legislation introduced in Ghana over the past year, which has set the scene for the country to boost inflows and drive economic growth. Marking OBG’s...

Many a time you are confronted with a situation where the named members of a company are different from its substantive beneficial owners. Beneficial ownership is one of the inroads of the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) (the “Act”). Who then is a Beneficial owner? The...

The Insurance Act, 2021 (Act 1061) has repealed the Insurance Act, 2006 (Act 724). This enactment now serves as the legal instrument for the regulation and supervision of the insurance market.[1] The Act has been welcomed as timely due to the current state of the...

Property can be transferred from one person to another in different ways, one of which is through a trust. Trust is a concept by which one person (called “the trustee”) is nominated by another person (called “the settlor”) to hold the legal title in his...

What is a Patent? A patent is a title granted exclusively to protect an invention within a specific period.   What law governs patents in Ghana? The Patents Act, 2003 (Act 657) and Patents Regulations 1996 (L.I. 1616) provide the legal framework for regulating patents in Ghana. What is...

What is a Trademark? The Trademarks Act, 2004 (ACT 664) defines a trademark as any sign or combination of signs capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from the goods or services of other undertakings including words such as personal names, letters,...

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