Author: bpaghana

“…notwithstanding the repeal of section 136 of Act 772 under which the accused is being prosecuted, section 34(1)(d) and (e) of the Interpretation Act, 2008, Act 792 had saved section 136 of the Electronic Transactions Act, 2008, Act 772…” The accused person met the victim, then...

“Order 66 (3) of C.I. 47 being a creature borne out of the constitutionally circumscribed powers granted by the Rules of Court Committee, is incompetent to create a novel offence of intermeddling and the sanctions attached thereto” Gladys Nkrumah, (“Interested Party”), filed an application under Order...

"There is no happiness without liberty, no liberty without self-government, no self-government without constitutionalism, no constitutionalism without morality--and none of these great goods without stability and order." ~ Clinton Rossiter.[1] The relationship between citizens and the state is characterized by the performance of duties and obligations...

ESG has quickly become the new buzzword, particularly in corporate circles. In the last decade or so, the concept has grown rapidly and continues to grow especially across major financial markets.[1] A 2022 study on ESG’s momentum showed that more than a quarter of global...

We are delighted  to be a contributing firm to the Securitisation Guide with Chambers Global Guides. Our commentary on the Securitisation in Ghana provides expert insights on the industry’s regulatory authorities, companies legal risks, cross-jurisdictional issues and more. Read our chapter for more expert commentary...

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