Author: bpaghana

An acquisition occurs when one entity takes ownership of another entity’s share capital, equity interests or assets.[1] A major difference between Mergers and Acquisitions (“M&A”) is that, in Mergers, a new entity is formed whereas in an Acquisition, the acquiring company retains its original identity. Today,...

Following the introduction of the Corporate Insolvency & Restructuring Act (“CIRA”) (Act 1015), companies suffering financial distress have a statutory option other than liquidation to consider and pursue, in the form of Administration and Restructuring. The Firm has an exclusive Restructuring & Insolvency chapter on...

Our passion for games is unrivalled. If Ghana were to be divided by wars, a football match will be enough to reunite us. It has become the “ordinaire” of many Ghanaians to place bets on football and other games as they while away their weekends...

The Local Content Conference 2021 organized by the Petroleum Commission, Ghana was held on 14th and 15th December, 2021 on the theme, “Optimising Technology Transfer in Ghana’s Upstream Petroleum Industry”. Our Managing Partner, Adelaide Benneh Prempeh was invited as one of the guest speakers to deliver...

Until the passage of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 2020 (Act 1027) there was no legal recognition of surrogacy or any other assisted reproductive birth in the Ghanaian legal framework. The enactment of Act 1027, now places surrogacy firmly on the legislative map...

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